Posts Tagged ‘U7’
Abou Ceesay
Coach Ceesay has a diverse background and experience as a player and coach. As a native of The Gambia, he was among the youngest to play in The Gambian league and on the Under 17 National Team. During that time, he traveled to compete in other African countries such as Senegal, Mail, Guinea Conakry, etc. At 18, Ceesay migrated to the United States to join his parents. He has been a member and player (as an offensive midfielder) of the D.C. Gambians Soccer team for over 20 years. He received various awards during his tenure, including being the leading goal scorer and best player in the tournament. For the past few years, Ceesay has coached the Young D.C. Gambians team in multiple tournaments nationwide, leading to championship wins in Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida. With his experience, Ceesay will help further develop the Bethesda Soccer Club teams and lead them to championship success in their regional competitions.