Tournament E-Checks Registration
Instructions on entering “E-check” info in GOT Soccer
Filing an ‘E-Check’ in gotsoccer will help expedite the process for applying for a tournament. Please follow the steps below to complete the filing process.
Step 1: Go to your team page in gotSoccer.
Step 2: Once logged in click on the tournament you are applying to.
Step 3: Click on the ‘Payment & Status’ tab.
Step 4: Under ‘Payment Method,’ use the drop-down arrow and click on ‘E-Check.’ After that, click on ‘Input New Payment Information’.
Step 5: When it asks for an account number, select ‘123456789’. Same for the routing number. When it asks for your name, type ‘Anything you want.’ Beyond that, you do not need to supply any more information.
Step 6: Complete the CAPTCHA security questions and check that you are not a robot.
Step 7: When you see a button labeled ‘Check Mark,’ click on it and hit submit.
Step 8: Once you have completed entering the e-check information, you will receive an automatic response from the tournament, giving you the email confirmation number, the cost of the event, and the deadline for application/payment. Please send this entire confirmation to Linda Norton and Zane Campbell for appropriate entry of e-check information. In addition, please provide your User ID and Password.
If you have any issues or questions, please get in touch with the main office at 240-477-2504.